Wear-and-tear resistant and long life thanks to fully stainless steel construction. Other sturdy construc-tion features include ratchet positioning in proximity to the hinge to reduce clearance and reinforce the closing mechanism itself and stren-gthen the clutch device that prevents the casement from being thrown open or slammed shut by a gust of wind.
This special safety device prevents
improper accidental operations that
may risk damaging the mechanism
or injuring the user.
Improves hopper window
operations preventing casement
over-projection while at the same
time effectively burglar-proofing
when casement is ajar.
Permits standard casement
opening only with the key without
restricting the hopper opening
Striker and ratchetImproves casement seal and burglar-proofing.
Consists of a hooked striker for
securing to the frame and a
mushroom ratchet for fitting to the
Key-operated cremone boltThe ASTRA casement turn-and-tilt system may be mounted with the
key-operated OPERA VIP cremone
bolt (see). The latter permits handle
locking in several opening and closing
The ASTRA casement turn-and-tilt
system may be mounted with the
OPERA VIP cremone bolt with
detachable handle.
The configuration is especially suited to such public venues as schools, hospitals and
nursing homes, to name but a few,
where for safety reasons OPENING of
the window needs to be RESTRICTED
to authorised personnel only.
Casement height
Perimeter pressure
Side chamber
An adjustment dowel located on
the bottom hinge support permits
-05 mm to + 1.5 mm adjustments
with respect to daylight aperture
Adjustments are made by acting
on the PERIMETER ratchets up to
1.5 mm with respect to daylight
aperture dimensions
An adjustment screw on the arm
permits SIDEWAY drop adjustment
ASTRA is set up for fitting with
additional top, bottom, and side
The advantage is that additional
latches may be fitted even after
mounting by simply drilling 8-mm
holes and securing the adjustable
ratchets up to the desired number.
Lock points may be 4, 6 (4+2), 8
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